Spinach Pie Recipe

I made it to the small baking tray, if you make it to the big tray. 5 yufka will suffice.You can also add cheese to the internal mortar


3 tbsp
1 egg
1.5 cups yogurt
half a cup of water

Internal Mortar:
1 kg spinach
1 onion, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt,pepper,red pepper flakes


Let's put the oil paper on the tray first.
Let's spread the first yufka over the edges.
Let's cook the onions with olive oil in a separate place and roast the spinach. When the water is drawn, add the pepper pulbber salt.
Let's beat egg, butter and yogurt somewhere.
Let's put this mixture on top of the doughnut.
2.let's chop up half the dough and spread it over the tray.Let's spread the mix again.
Let's put the spinach paste on the yufka.
Spread the remaining half of the dough and add the mixture.
Let's combine the yufkas hanging from the edges on all sides in the tray.
Finally, let's put it on the mix so it's red.
Let's bake at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.


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