Profiterole Recipe With Meat

If you want to serve Ta by putting separate cups


1 packet of unsalted meat.
For custodians;

1 liter milk (5 cups water)),
1 cup flour,
1 cup sugar,
1 packet vanilla (5 grams)),
1 sachet whipped cream.
for the above;

1 packet of chocolate sauce
2 cups milk,
Put the milk, flour and powdered sugar in a deep saucepan.
The wire is stirred until it becomes smooth with the help of a whip.
The mixture is taken over the oven and cooked until the mixture is constantly mixed (it will not be too dark consistency).
Add the vanilla to the custard from the consistency and let it cool at room temperature.
After cooling the custard, add 1 sachet of whipped cream and stir with the help of the mixer.

Salt-free meatballs are crushed in large pieces and added on the custard and mixed well with the help of spatula.
The obtained muhallebili etimekli mixture is poured into a large rectangle borcam soaked and spread evenly.

2 cups of milk, stir constantly in the pot until the consistency is cooked.
When the consistency is obtained, it is taken from the stove and mixed with the intermediate and let it cool.
Chocolate sauce is poured over the mixture with custard and spread evenly.
The prepared dessert is removed from the refrigerator and rested for 1 night.


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