A Great Blueberry Muffin Recipe

It's a good cookie for those who like grapes...


1 egg
1 cup yogurt
1 cup sugar
1 packet of margarine(room temperature))
1 cup oil
1 cup raisins
1 packet of baking powder
1 packet of vanilla
2.5-3 cups flour
Let's get the eggplants mixed in the butter and the margarine at room temperature.

Add the yogurt and sugar and knead well.Add vaniya and grapes.

When it is smooth add the flour in a controlled manner.When the earlobe comes in, Let's stop the kneading.

Make walnut-sized cloth from dough and place it in a greased paper bowl.

Bake in a preheated 180 degrees oven for 12-15 minutes.When we get out of the oven, we can get it on the wire.


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